Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What is Obama Trying to Achieve?

I worry when stuff like this starts flying around. The fact that there have been so many attempts to achieve something that clearly "the people" don't want the government to have just smacks of, it will eventually happen. They will wait until you least expect it or forget about it or it can be appropriately cloaked. The founders of this country fought against a central bank too, but over time, now we have a privately owned Federal Reserve, and look at where we stand financially now. The banks practically own the government. Maybe that's the top of the capitalist food chain, corporations are the government.
This really confuses me. From a guy who campaigned on shutting down Guantanamo Bay, now fighting to keep his apparent "right", to imprison whoever he wants indefinitely and without charge by defining that person as being connected to terrorism, is just perplexing. That we already know that the President is not against redefining people with proximity to terrorism as terrorists is scary. Potentially with the right spin anyone could be defined as a terrorist. This President's blatant pursuit of these powers should be scaring the crap out of everyone.

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